Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Milwaukie City Council Authorizes Phase 2 Stadium Study

During a January 9 special session of the Milwaukie, OR City Council, the council voted 3-2 to move on to phase 2 of a plan to build a Single-A baseball stadium.  Before the vote, the council heard the results of Phase 1 and took citizen input.

The Phase 1 results were in three parts.  First, Innovative Campaign Strategies presented an overview of their community outreach efforts, including the three Listening Lounge sessions and outreach to nearby businesses that might be affected by a new stadium.  The company did not form any conclusions from the data it collected.  Rather it presented an overview of questions and concerns.  As usual, most of them revolved around cost, noise, and lighting.

Second, 360 Architecture presented a report on the feasibility of the site.  This was a very interesting and well-thought out report that concluded that the site does provide enough room for a stadium if some design innovations are included.  Ground water issues prevent the stadium to be dug into the site, and limited east/west dimensions may require a "green monster" wall in the outfield.  They presented three orientations for the ballpark, one orientation to the northeast and two to the southeast.  The second southeast orientation assumes purchase of additional property to the northwest of original space, allowing enough outfield space that a "green monster" wall would not be needed.

They also spoke to lighting and noise concerns.  Lighting, they said would not affect neighbors, and light meters would detect no differences before and after the stadium was built.  Noise would be within City of Milwaukie regulations until 10PM, and then PA systems could be turned down.

Third, a brief cost estimate was presented.  These were very, very rough numbers, based purely on square footage calculations and estimates for utility work and relocation expenses of ODOT.  This worked out to approximately $25M for building costs, another $2M for utility and street work, 25%-20% for consulting and architecture, etc.,  and 10% contingency.

After the Phase 1 results were presented, members of the community voiced in.  The comments ranged from sane and restrained to outrageous and name calling.  One citizen claimed there would be so much goose poop on the field that no one would use it.  Another accused the council of having "a man thing going on." Although council meetings usually draw only staunch supporters or opponents, the rabid reaction of some of the opponents to the stadium (a few people even snarled when a man wearing a "Friends of Baseball" jacket rose to speak) made this reporter doubt that a stadium will ever get built in the City of Milwaukie.

Finally, the council itself discussed the issue and voted.  I was impressed by the intelligence and sensibility of all the council members.  They shared legitimate concerns and seemed truly engaged in trying to find innovative solutions for the problems the city faces.  Though Councilers Dave Hedges and Mike Miller wanted to delay authorizing Phase 2 until issues with Tri-Met and light rail were settled, Mayor Jeremy Ferguson and Councilers Joe Loomis and Greg Chaimov voted to move on to Phase 2.

Phase 2 will involve more public outreach, facility feasibility (figuring out what the ballpark would actually consist of), deciding on an acceptable range of uses for the multi-use facility, doing a real cost analysis, and negotiating with ODOT for the property swap and with the Northwest League for a team.

Phase 2 should be completed by the end of April, at which time a report will be presented and the board will decide whether to put a ballot measure out to the voters.

Here's a link to the report presented to the council.

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